Thursday 14 December 2023

Letter 6 of 23: One of those days

 Morning 2023, 

I greet you in the spirit of “today I don’t feel like doing anything”. Yer. How are you? Still torturing us just for vibes? 

Today is one of those days. Oh you know. Those days when you’re exhausted in so many ways. Ways your vocabulary can’t even reach. Days when you’re on a constant yho, shu, sies and yer mode as if you are a broken record. 

I miss a time in my life when I didn’t know what end year fatigue means. Such a distant feeling lol. Why am I tired for the whole year?! 

Today has me relating so much to the people making a plea to God that they’re not on the trials and tribulations list for 2024 . Lord, I am also there. I am one of them, father 😂

Have they located the area which broken hearts should go to find their way? I would trust that GPS. It needs to help us find where do exhausted hearts go. I’m not saying it should lead us to six month vacations or anything. Neither am I asking it to lead us to a genie who can pause time. No. That would be unreasonable for me. Right? Okay. Okay. I’ll think of something…

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