Friday, 27 December 2024

Letter 18/24: Psalm 118:24

Khotso 2024, 

How are you? I know we haven’t been keeping in touch but, we had to talk today. Today’s reflection is another dedication which HAD to be today. If you know, you know. If you don’t…read the scripture 🤣

Sis. Today is THE day. Today is YOUR day. Mogirl, this day is so special and ordained. Look, I’m sure there will be many more others like today but, TODAY is one of those days which are aligned with your vocation. 

I’ve met God through you. You are one of the people He just decided to show himself in my life through. It’s funny that, now that I think about it, both our names sort of personalise the relationship we have. It has taught me patience during hardships and has constantly reminded me to be glad and rejoice in the wins. Blessed be the day we met! 

Today I’m taken back to our crazy and light days. When we made jokes about “the future”. When we put in those requests to God and cracked up at the possibility of Him hearing us or not. Turns out that He was listening all along ne? 

I’m not there today but, I’m getting live updates. You look like a dream 😍. I hope that you’re not worrying. I hope you’re taking it ALL in. I hope you’re making the most of your special day. May God continue to bless you 🙏🏽

Ha re Ithabeleng. Re nyakaleng (let us be glad and rejoice)… 

1 comment:

  1. almost 3 weeks since i was tonreqd this letter, am here i am in tears, Ausi Linda unmade me cry, kea leboha. This should be framed.

    Dear Dec 27th


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