Sunday, 8 December 2024

Letter 1/24: Iyhooo


I hope this finds you. 

Usually that sentence is accompanied by well wishes and manners. I’m not quite sure what to say to you. How does one address a villain? Homegirl, if you weren’t the Thanos of years, I’d probably have nice adjectives. You were. So, I’m just hoping this finds you…

Welcome to a longstanding tradition of reflective epistolaries which mark the end of the year. I must confess, things were so hectic on your timeline that I almost broke this tradition. I mean, how do you say “it was hectic” in 24 different ways? I know I don’t have the enough English to do that. Luckily for you, fate decided otherwise. 

You’ve served painful lessons, 2024. They came in different shapes and sizes. Lessons I can openly talk about, lessons I can laugh at to lessons which shook my being to the core. You may be the reason why I one day need a slightly bigger grave space…because I’m definitely taking some lessons you served with me there! 

You’ve been the iyhoooo to my Solomon, a dictator to my system and just crippling. I don’t know who put up my name on the strong persons list on your timeline but, I pray they forget the correct spelling next year. I hope they forget it even the year after. Infinity wouldn’t even be enough. Iyhooo! 

I look forward to wrapping up your final days…

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