Sunday, 22 December 2024

Letter 15/24: Cactus Plants

Hello 2024, 

I hope you’re well. Today’s letter is another reflection dedication. I find myself wanting to say the same thing to a couple of people. Writing different letters wouldn’t make sense but, this same one will have different meanings to each of them. 

You know how I’m a village girl? I was exposed to plants at a very young age. Cactus plants were never appealing to me. I didn’t really like your typical plants though. Before you judge, I was more of an aloe girl. This wasn’t voluntary though 🤣. Someone thought smearing the juice on my fingers would make me stop sucking them. Epic fail.  Backfired so badly that, that’s one of my favourite tastes of all time. 

Adulting has taught me to appreciate the traits of Cactus plants. If I were to compare our bond to anything, it would be them. We hardly talk but when we do, it’s lit. I never feel the need to explain my absence. I never have to strip myself and list reasons why I’ve been MIA or hiding. I also don’t have to compete with those who have been present while I missed out on memories. This makes it so easy for me to fill you in on my mgowo lows and private highs. I guess I proved myself once to you and you were sold. Thank goodness! 

If I were to ever need a witness to prove I’m an introvert at heart who is willing to talk once you know them - I’d call you. Look, you know because you were the extrovert who saw me and adopted me 🤣

You know this year has been one of my lowest and yet, you’ve treated me like we’ve just met and we talk every other day. Thank you for sharing your answered prayers with me, thank you for the calls that make me feel like I’m on top of the world…thank you for the tea. 

Next year, we should be intentional about keeping in touch 🫂… 

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely true, its like we have even known each other forever! I am truly grateful


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