Monday, 16 December 2019

Letter 4 of 19

Hello 2019,

How are you on my least favourite day of the week? 

I wasn't there to cast my vote when they were running elections deciding that business should begin directly after an awesome day like Sunday. I wish that I was. If I was there, I would have voted for Monday to be a "catch-up" day. Oh you know, a day when it's not the weekend and not a weekday. A day when we all get to recollect ourselves before we begin again. Right? I know I'm not the only person who feels this way. I can't be...

My comfort this morning is that this Monday is unlike most Mondays in South Africa. Today my country is celebrating a public holiday known as Reconciliation Day. I won't be getting into the politics of how this day came to be. Instead, I'll let you in on a personal tradition of my own which I began last year during the letters to 2018. Last year I decided to head to Reconciliationville on this day. The town, which is a symbol of small towns we just pass by without getting inside to explore, is where I'll head to once more on this post. 

I wish I was also there when they were running elections on a lot of factors governing my life such as height, weight and the immune system. The immune system is on top of the list though. I would have loved to win those elections! I was going to negotiate for a stronger one. One that behaves and doesn't decide to take left turns every time it feels like it. My immune system misbehaves so much but I think this year it takes the cup! I could be all good the one minute and flat down the next. This letter is behind schedule because my health decided that it wasn't having it. One of the times when it acted up was during the Lerapeleng wedding back in February. That day was one of my favourite days in 2019 and equally my most challenging.

This year began on a very awkward note. I felt offish earlier on in the year and I chose to ignore it. Before I knew it my system slowly kept giving in to all kinds of things. The biggest stunt it pulled was shortly before the wedding. I fell so sick that I almost cancelled attending. I didn't though. I pushed through the fatigue and pain. I paused when I needed to and I hit the dance floor when I got the chance. Fortunately, I look good on all the photos, I didn't trip and fall during the dance routine and I rocked the dress slit lol. Jokes aside, my biggest worry was fainting or not being present. Neither came true. It was a perfect day and my mom held my hand every step of the way. What a woman! 

2019, you've taught me a lesson about reconciling with parts of myself that I find hard to accept. I've successfully talked myself into taking medication regularly. I hardly skip meals. I've made friends with some fruits and vegetables that I couldn't stand. It's not all moonlight and roses though. I should also confess that this is a continuous lesson. I still don't make some of my close friends and family aware when I'm sick. I still struggle to accept "not being able" to function normally myself. I still push myself on days when I should be snuggled up in bed and resting. Above it all, I smile through days when I wish the earth could open up and swallow me. 

Do I wish that my health was kinder to me this year? Yes, yes and yaaaaas! So this reconciliation is a work-in-progress.

As you draw to an end 2019, I find myself grateful for every resilient cell in my body for carrying me through...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Summary of my 2019; " 2019, you've taught me a lesson about
    reconciling with parts of myself that I find hard
    to accept. I've successfully talked myself into
    taking medication regularly. I hardly skip meals.
    I've made friends with some fruits and
    vegetables that I couldn't stand. It's not all
    moonlight and roses though. I should also
    confess that this is a continuous lesson. I still
    don't make some of my close friends and family
    aware when I'm sick. I still struggle to accept
    "not being able" to function normally myself. I
    still push myself on days when I should be
    snuggled up in bed and resting. Above it all, I
    smile through days when I wish the earth could
    open up and swallow me.".

    Thank you for sharing your journey because you have also managed to narrate our own journies through yours.

    1. Thank you for taking time out to readers these pieces.

      I realise every day there is no journey in isolation. Each and everyone is connected to others.

      Writing these letters brings me relief.


#LifeAndHerLessons (LAHL) Fam