Sunday, 22 December 2019

Letter 10 of 19

Dear 2019,

Are you well? It's the best day of the week, you can't not be well!

Today I'm reflecting on times when I felt like I was dodging bullets just like they did in The Matrix movies.

Watching tv used to be such an eventful experience. I never got over how my aunt used to scream at characters as if they could hear her. I use to dread how my father wanted us to sit still while the news were on. My mother used to be so fussy over age restrictions on programmes! Then there was the occasional war between my siblings and I over which channel to watch. Regardless of the situation, I used to be so fascinated by what happened on screen. There was a time when I thought that I could be involved in the programmes by opening up the tv to get inside. Seeing Neo flex like that was no different. So much so that I refer to managing emergencies as "dodging bullets".

I dodged so many bullets this year. Ones I saw coming and ones which caught me completely off guard. They came in different shapes, sizes and impact. There were Monday morning bullets, health bullets, family crisis bullets, navigating healing bullets, things that didn't go according to plan bullets, strained relationship bullets and those other bullets we can't mention on these streets.

There were times when I wondered how life would have turned out if I had taken the other pill when Agent Smith offered. Don't we all at some point?

I realised that when facing adversity I still think that I can somehow open up the screen and jump into the perfect scene. Life doesn't work like that. The lesson you taught me, 2019, is the importance of wearing bullet proof vest of acceptance, welcoming adversity and the other serenity prayer.

In all fairness each year comes with bullets of its own. I just think that you were a bit extra though. With that being said, I'm not sitting here bashing you for blowing shots at me. No. I'm showing you my damaged vests where your bullets hit but l stood standing.

You missed 🤪


  1. I agree with you, some bullets are necessary, they are meant to strengthen and prepare you to face life missiles 🚀

    1. So true Wella. That's not the first thing that comes to mind when you're going through the experience though. You only notice the missile preparation in hindsight...


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