Saturday, 17 December 2022

Letter 4 of 22: A line or two for 2022

 Dear 2022,

I'm not an individual of many words but, here's a poem dedicated to your timeline.

The embrace of your  thoughts

Are as sweet as the thorny

Sound of silence that lingers

Through the cold knights

Peaceable are the tears

That rise and chase away loneliness

How I long for that war ridden night

To chase away the commotion of day

As the light blinds the tears

I get a vivid picture of bliss

But my mouth hears the ears speak

Of deception within the embrace

Like warm ice running down the spine

I see you for who you are

Shaping and moulding me

To the Oasis that will quench

The thoughts of bliss and serendipity.

Kind regards,


A friend of Life and Her Lessons

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