Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Letter 11 of 22: Embracing mgowo season

 Hello 2022, 

How do you do? 

I’m not quite sure how I feel about our conversation. It’s both one of the best and yet frustrating conversations since I began this journey of end year epistolaries. Much like so many moments on your timeline. 

I may have said this on here before but, nothing prepares you for the grey area like adulting. Jonga (look) here we get glimpses of black and white. The rest…different shades of grey. 

One of the main things about the letter epistolaries has been: a reflective letter each day. Tough to crack but I had been doing well these past few years. When 2022 came,  I thought that I’d manage to keep this tradition but I haven’t. It’s been frustrating. I won’t lie. I’ve come to realise, however, it’s not all bad…

Earlier this year I reflected on pouring from empty cups. This December feels like my proof of residence is there. Having only enough for your own cup with little to spare. Life is just forcing me to pause and focus on my present…and to embrace it fully and wholeheartedly.

Naturally, this has affected a couple of my relationships with others. I’m not usually MIA, in hibernation for long periods or even AWOL for that matter. Mgowo is teaching me that this season doesn’t change who I am. It’s probably carving a better version of me. I may wrestle with guilt from time to time but that’s normal.

I will pitch…when I pitch…in whichever way I pitch…and I’ll still be awesome. Can the church say Amen? 


  1. Jonga 2022 challanges me emotionally till I thought it's the end of me, life has never bin anything like this. I lost relationships wth ppl and I dnt think will come back

    1. I’m so sorry to hear this.

      Losing relationships and people you thought would be around forever is tough. Losing them to life is even tougher but, don’t stop being grateful that they were once part of the journey. Pray for the prayers you once prayed to still hold.

      I hope 2023 is treating you better 🙏🏽

  2. 😉 Refreshing!


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