Friday, 14 December 2018

Letter one of eighteen

Dear 2018,

I was on my knees when we met.

Our initial encounter wasn’t anything outside of the ordinary. I’ve been following a small tradition over the past few years. During the last hours, of every year, I sit outside and I marvel at the stars covering my rural town. I listen to songs blasting from almost every corner and “happy” cheers from neighbours. During this time, my mind wonders and reflects on the year that it had been.

Before I met you, however, I made slight adjustments to the tradition. I hadn’t been feeling well since Christmas so my time outside was limited. I materialised on going outside just when the fireworks had intensified.What a sight! Growing up,I used to envy my friends who were allowed to wander around the streets burning tires and holding their own shooters without adult supervision. My parents only let me out once. Can you imagine?! Then there was that year when I thought all my dreams would come true because we visited a relative who had bought an entire box. It was filled with different kinds, shapes and sizes. Firecracker, or cricket as we fondly say here in my hood,  heaven I tell you. I was so excited, I couldn't wait to see them all go up. The joy was cut short though. My cousin brother accidentally lit some of the small ones towards my direction and I got minor burns on my toes. It hurt more than I let on but, I wasn't about to be a cry baby. The box got confiscated and I felt guilty for being one of the party poopers. Needless to say, since then, I've never really wanted to participate. I've just opted to the role of watching and marvelling. So, I watched and marveled as tradition dictated. Then I moved back into the house before midnight to get ready for our first encounter.

I was on my knees, right in the middle of a prayer of thanksgiving, when we met. I didn’t rush off to scribble a list of resolutions during our initial encounter. I got off the New Year’s resolution bandwagon a long time ago. I credit this, I should add, to fruitless attempts of keeping up with them. So that is why I didn’t welcome you with promises of what I would do or wouldn’t do.

I’ve resolved to picking out themes for years. Proverbs 3 came to my heart shortly after I had stepped into your realm.  Growth, joy and Proverbs 3. I needed to trust in the Lord in order to survive you and I chose to stick to that scripture as an anchor. Little did I know!

Our relationship has taken up so many shapes, hasn’t it? You’ve been a friend, a foe, a stranger and a long lost friend. You’ve made me laugh, like I never had before, and cry tears even in the middle of broad smiles. You’ve been the vrrr to my pha, the eina to my ouch…the yho to my yhu! It seems just like yesterday when I met you. In the same breath, I must say, it feels like you’ve been multiple years in one. You've felt like a guest who overstayed her welcome and equally like the sister who popped in for tea. All in one.

In order for me to be grounded in my reflection of the lessons you’ve thought me, I’ve decided to write you a letter on each day before I bid you farewell. Each letter capturing a piece of you that I will carry for many more years.

Today, I remember how I was on my knees when we met. You found me praying. In hindsight, I will forever be grateful that you found me in my strongest position. I say this because my journey with you needed every ounce of strength…

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