Monday, 16 December 2024

Letter 8/24: Hello Hope

 Hello 2024,

How are you? This letter was supposed to come out yesterday but life happened. Had to move it to today. The idea was the take you to church. I say let’s go still. Who said church is only meant for Sunday? 😂

If this letter could have a soundtrack, it would be Hello Fear and Fear is not my future 🤞🏽. Both these songs have been part of my lifeline on your timeline. 

You know how people say joy comes in the morning? Not for me. Hope comes in the morning for me. I’ve said this to your predecessors, 2024, and this year just anchored this for me. When the heavens and the universe were deciding which superpower should belong to who, someone in the higher ups decided to give me Hope. 

I’m such a hopeful being. I’m hopeful to a fault. I’m hopeful to the point that logic doesn’t govern me. Some may say this is associated with faith. I wouldn’t disagree. I’d just say I’m so hopeful that I’m starting to wonder if I was bit by the hope spider. 

This reflection is an ode to Hope. Hope, I marvel at how you bring back my smile after every brick wall or stumbling block. I appreciate how much of a mediator you are. Gratitude and I wouldn’t be here we are today if you hadn’t been around. You’re there for my highs, you sit with me during my lows and you’re just always looking out for me.  You’re kind to every part of me. Well, maybe not so much to my Ego. You’re always telling me to ditch that hun. We fight a lot about this and I’m working on it. 

2024, thank you for not messing up what I have going with Hope. She reminds me of people who taught me about her. Although, hidden by death, I know what they’d say to me: Have Hope because God is good. Can the church say Amen?

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