Sunday, 22 December 2024

Letter 14/24: The colour Purple

 Dear 2024, 

I hope that you’re well. I was tired yesterday.  Still tired today. I’m starting to sound like a broken record about this. I know. It’s just that it’s also fatigue season 🙆🏾‍♀️. Today’s reflection is a letter to purple.

I can pinpoint exactly to when I knew how to get purple - Arts and Culture. What a class! Let’s just say I was a rebellious teenager who didn’t get it. A part of adult me still doesn’t but, I won’t get into it. I just remember being let in on the concept of purple by my people and immediately getting it 😂. I recall being grateful for the knowledge I hadn’t appreciated back in the day. The point, 2024, is that this knowledge is part of the silver lining and part of the “why”.

2024, Purple is always a constant reminder of my why. Purple knows me. Purple has seen different shades of me. Purple has set the friendship bar high. Purple wishes my favourite colour wasn’t my favourite colour 🤣. If I were kidnapped, I’d probably send signals to Purple and they would get it. 

Blue holds your hand and sits with you. Red is a constant who never lets you walk alone. Purple comes with so much awesomeness that you’d swear it carries the rainbow on its shoulders. Blessed to know you, thankful for those laughs and missed punchlines but, above all…grateful for each moment we’ve shared in 2024. 

Here’s to infinity and beyond…

1 comment:

  1. Who knew one colour could have so much depth! Nice letter.
