Sunday, 31 December 2023

Letter 20 of 23: Life happened


You’re quickly slipping away. I never get just how quickly day 365 tends to go! 

You know how adulting teaches you that you make plans and then “life happens”? Well…that LITERALLY happened this year. 

There’s always that one letter that always dribbles me, more than the others, in every series. The one where the titles change so much. One whose introduction is almost never perfect. One you don’t know how to put together. One you’re not sure should even be out there. Remember that “he loves me, he loves me not” game where you pluck out the petals of the flower? This letter is exactly like that. Except in my mind I have a “be private, be private not” song going on in my mind 😂

I’ve actually been throwing hints throughout the series. I guess if you think back, you’ll pick them up. I got a call after one letter where a friend was actually asking why I’m not spilling the actual tea the fam would like to sip. I guess I wouldn’t be Linda if you didn’t have to wait, right? 🙈😂

Life happened on your timeline, 2023. I became a mom. Yes, an entire me is someone’s mother. Someone falls asleep in my arms. Calms down at the sound of my voice. Becomes shady when is not getting their way. Smiles so warmly when looking into my eyes. Giggles at the sight of us reflecting from the mirror. 

Someone redefined my description of nocturnal - I was never! I didn’t even know what it actually meant before these sleepless nights. Someone stopped me from jogging and had me on diaper marathons. Someone screams and yells…and I stop everything I’m doing to try and figure out why she’s cranky. 

Someone searches for my eyes in a room full of people and when they find them, they calm down. Sometimes, okay a lot of the times, my arms are someone’s bed and that’s where they would rather be for some naps. 

After 25 I felt grown. After 30 I felt grown grown. Remember my beef about the degrees of comparison? Now is one of those examples. How do I say becoming a mom has made me feel “growner or growneth” 😂

I’m happy . I’m scared. I’m excited. I’m freaked out. I’m so grateful that life happened…

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