Sunday, 18 December 2022

Letter 5 of 22: Enjoy the ride

Dear 2022,

My biggest lesson from you has definitely been to enjoy the ride. There are a couple other lessons...

When we are living in what was once a prayer, we tend to forget to live in such moments simply because as humans we always tend to want more, and for some reasons we always think if we can have more of certain things, then we will be happier. I had to learn that if I don’t appreciate where  I'm at, nothing will guarantee that whatever it is I’m seeking will make me happier. One of the greatest reminders is that “we hurt ourselves because we obsess about the end of our journeys” instead of just enjoying the ride.

Another one of the biggest lessons the year taught me is to live in the moment instead of obsessing over the final destination. Destination addiction is a real thing. It is also one of the biggest thieves of joy. 

If we do not appreciate where we are, at the present moment, that’s an injustice to our journeys because there are pretty good reasons why we are where we are currently. If I am not content with what I have and where I'm at, while working on getting to where I want to be, chances are when I finally get to that particular place I will still be empty, unhappy and unfulfilled...

There is beauty in living in the moment. Take everything in: the lessons, the challenges, the disappointments, the happiness, because they shape the people that we are becoming. How boring would life be if we figured it out? The beauty of becoming lies in enjoying the ride.

Lastly, while on this journey called life, always remember “Your value is not attached to what you accomplish” . And the beauty of being a prayerful and a grateful person is that it always puts you at ease knowing that you will always end up where you are meant to be. 

Do not put pressure on yourself, just enjoy the ride.

Kind regards,

Dakalo Muthelo


  1. The beauty of BECOMING, lies in enjoying the ride!! I love this!!

  2. I love this. So important to embrace the blessing we are living right now. To be able to see, touch and feel the things we trusted Him for, the things we placed our hope in Him for.
