Sunday, 25 December 2022

Letter 10 of 22: Die Here is my Herder

Merry Christmas 2022, 

How are you on your last Sunday? Today I’ve decided to dedicate a reflection to my spiritual theme for your timeline: Psalm 23. 

Before I go any further, let me just make a disclaimer: I am not one of the 44. I’m saying this just in case that person’s fans come for me. I’m just someone who learnt the hymn in Afrikaans and who, once in a while, needs to hum it to navigate this Psalm. 

For some odd reason, I can’t remember how I got to pick this theme this morning. I remember it was another verse initially and I changed it. I guess I thought I’d need it and I was right. 

Psalm 23 has been such a comfort on your timeline 2023. Especially when I was walking through the valley of the shadow of deadlines, setbacks, losing faith in the dream and Imposter syndrome. It brought me back to myself…

My favourite verse is definitely the last. My favourite memoir is titled after it. It has defined one of my most memorable inspirational moments. It is also such a comforting reminder that what God has promised you will find its way to you. I am a living testimony of this on your timeline 2022. 

I pray that God’s goodness and mercy continues to hunt and locate me in 2023…

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