Monday, 22 August 2022

Then and Now

Hello fam,

Or should I say hello from the other side? Yes, that sounds about right.

Have you noticed how they package those before and after advertisements? How the before is dull and gloomy. Then after looks brighter. You're so caught up in the "wow" moment that you ignore the suspicious little birdie in your head. Turning a new age is much like this.

Firstly, thank you for being part of the countdown. All the celebrations were lit. Thank you for the well wishes. There was something more special about this year. Something that made me low key wish I'd turn this age again next year. Maybe now I understand why people remain 21 with x years of experience.

To be honest, this new year doesn't feel much different from the previous. I haven't marinated much into it but, still. Feels same old.  I've noticed a few changes. Minor ones. Nothing major but, almost everything is still the same. It may be too soon to tell but, just is.

I don't know about you guys but I'm at that "balls in the air" phase of the year. I've dodged enough blows, trying to stay in tune and I'm just holding my breath for the last quarter. I'm refusing to fully adult this month. I'm officially in denial of all those realities. August is a sacred month and it will remain so. We will try again in September.

In the meantime we hold on precious memories. We celebrate all wins, no matter how small, and we remain at peace that sometimes there isn't much difference between then and now...

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