Saturday, 11 December 2021

Letter 1 - iiNerves

 Dear 2021,

First of all, I YES you. You were a film! Yho.

You remind me of a time back in rural Eastern Cape when elders used to tell us we are giving them "nerves". I didn't understand the Queen's language much back then to even directly translate. I didn't need to. "Undenzela iinerves" (You're giving me nerves) simply meant we had to go and cause havoc elsewhere and leave the adult in peace. The mere thought of your timeline just makes me wish I'd slightly shut my eyes, give you a stern warning look and tell you undenzele iinerves.

Not that I haven't told you this. I'm currently working through one of your episodes. "iiNerves" are on peak.

Of all the years, you've made me question my chosen themes the most. You showed me so much flames that I'm just considering having "just make it out alive" as a theme for 2022.

Will. What will? What way? Adulting has showed me the high way so many times.

Stomach in...yhu! I knew this theme would be tricky on the relationship side of things. 2021, your timeline had me question so much. Like, when exactly did they conclude that blood is thicker than water? Was it before Jesus turned water into wine? Did it have anything to do with H2O as a chemical formula? I know it was definitely before they invented sparkling water. Has to have been because wow!

Psalm 143:8. Heyi. It's like my soul knew. This reminder was crucial. Did i not forget it when it mattered most?! Kodwa ke we all know that He's got a humbling way of getting our attention. Doesn't He?

Okay okay. I won't just be complaining during this series. That being've schooled me on gratitude. Not the one we do for the gram. Nope. The kind that wets your pillow at night. The kind that motivates one foot to move after the other. The kind that reminds you that you aren't entitled to luck and grace. The kind that reminds you of the journey your ancestors took for you to be where you are. The kind that makes you understand why healing is important in order to live fully.

We've had a hectic ride 2021...


  1. After what you put us through, I am feeling 2010 vibes: FEEL IT! IT IS HERE!! We entered 2021 with the hopes that it will not be 2020.1 but it was but with a lot more pressures!! E re baketse nerves serious

    1. Lol hayi Lebohang. 2010? Really? Maybe 2010 lite 🙈😂. There has been a slight improvement. Please give me that.

      2021 is just 2020 with a weave!

  2. The kind of gratitude that wets your pillow at night. The kind that motivates one foot to move after the other... oh absolutely!

    1. Kakhulu Rhuru. Gratitude makes you appreciate a lot.

  3. Maybe the "many highways" adulting shows us is right life or the only way life is lived, just maybe.

    1. Yho Taky. I hate to admit it but, you're right.

      Motase wa hayani, yazi mna I also blame our expectations of how life "should" be. I've been trying to avoid that part of the reflection 🙈

  4. It wasn’t easy at all, but grateful that we are almost there, sibone u2022

    1. Not at all. Funny how the end is also a bit tricky.

      We are almost there Siba...

  5. Definitely when Jesus turned water into wine �� ��

    1. 😂😂😂 that was such a game changing period 🙌😂
