Sunday, 20 December 2020

Letter 9/20

 Hey 2020, 

I greet you in the name of exhaustion, chest pains and body aches.

I've always been a physically active child. Liked cross country, netball and a bit of long jump at some point. Didn't like track much. One of my favourite childhood memories is how me and my homies used to have our own mini athletics. The relays were lit. All this used to drive my mother crazy back in Primary. I guess because I'd lose my hair bands and come back looking like "I wasn't taken care of". The asthma (induced) got bad in high school and my parents banned me from sport.

Needless to say, in varsity I didn't get involved in anything that needed too much physical activity. My inhaler was my best friend. Until a stint in a Taekwondo team. Let's not talk about how that ended. To be honest, the plan was to head back to training. It won't be possible now since I've relocated and all. Girl still knows her ap and dollyo chagi's though. Enough to keep her ground on these streets. 

When I returned to fitness I was mainly inspired by self defense. I wasn't expecting to part ways with my inhaler for dependence or just being calm. There's so much beauty in martial arts. One of the things I picked up during this time was jogging. What a beaut!

I have an on and off relationship with jogging. Sometimes I'm in it. Most times I'm struggling to even keep it together. Other times I can't even spell the word "run". I'm currently in the "in it" season. Homegirl is on her way to 10K. This might be for the hundredth time but who's counting? We move.

Furthest I've ran this time around is 7K. What a victory! Running is TOUGH. Tougher than most things I've done. So many factors working against you. Went for a run this morning and it was lit. Felt like crying at some point and just throwing in the towel. Fighter in me stuck it through though. Will is something else!

2020, I'm thankful for the lesson that the road to health isn't like some drive through. At the end of the day it's simple things such as hard work and resilience that bring true happiness...

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