Friday, 13 December 2019

Letter 1 of 19

Dear 2019,

Our first encounter felt like a scene from a movie.

I got an opportunity to trade my routine of silent transitions for one of those yearly countdowns we often see in movies. I waited for your arrival with strangers from all walks of life at a countdown party. There was loud music, crowds of people all around me, a loud count down by all of us in unison, one of the biggest firework show I've seen and…well, almost everything that goes along with such countdowns. It was epic!

As epic as that was, I think my favourite memory of our first encounter was watching your first sunrise. I couldn’t wait to part ways with your sister, 2018. As a result, I felt like it was important for me to see your first sunrise just to make sure that she was gone. I needed to witness your beginning to cling onto hope that you were a new book, a new adventure and a new journey. I needed to have my Thomas moment and be present.

You have been such a roller coaster ride of extremes! When you began, I made my usual theme pact. I needed three things from to you: fireworks, gratitude and Isaiah 60:22. 2018 showed me so much flames that, this year, I was hoping to transform them into fireworks. I felt like I needed to work on my gratitude this year and not take things for granted. Lastly, I had to allow myself to be grounded in the knowledge that God’s timing was best. Year themes normally help me in all areas of my life. The way things went this year, it was as if every challenge which came mocked these goals and ambitions.

2019, I asked for fireworks and you sent flames. My health was at its worst in years. Looking back, I wasn’t always grateful for a lot of things in my life. I also found myself frustrated with the alignment of my dreams. On the other hand, however, you have been kind. I have jumped hurdles and seen fireworks. I believe my gratitude meter was at its highest this year. As for alignment, let’s just say that I understand why they say that Rome wasn’t built in built in one day. Or one year in my case.

Through you, 2019, life has schooled me so much about self-care and self-love, being unapologetic about boundaries and understanding my triggers. You’ve helped me locate the courage to get out of bed on days when I questioned my existence. You’ve taught me to allow joy to simmer, to hold onto hope and to allow myself to accept compliments. I've faced some of my worst fears this past year. I’ve navigated my most challenging days being equally my most happiest. I’ve laughed till I lost breath and I equally realised that I’ve forgotten how to cry. We’ve got the rest of this series to unpack all of this.

To be honest,  I can’t wait for you to come to an end. I’ve just realised that, for some reason, writing these letters to you brings back a very unpleasant childhood memory. You know when a bully gives you the “after school is after school” threat? Yeep. Writing to you feels exactly like that. I’m dreading looking back to parts of my body where you’ve punched. My poor knees are already shaking as I think back to times when they had to carry my entire body while I faced you. My mind is also racing back to all the pleas I’ve made for the earth to open up and
swallow me. I’m still astonished at how my chest managed to keep my heart inside despite multiple times when I thought it would burst. You’ve been tough 2019!

I will face you though. I’ll toughen up. I'll keep my knees steady and yell “yeah, after school” back at you.  I'll  do this while I continue to contemplate how I'll tell you how much of a hot mess you’ve been…


  1. Dear Lindz to be honest you inspired me to the year to year themes. And mine was grace and Isaiah 43:2 and this has become a reality for me. Thnk u.

    1. Dear Richard'sbae, I feel so honoured to have made an impact. It's a pleasure!

      Your theme was so 🔥 and indeed God came through. I'm so excited about your win. It's one of my favourite moments this year. Thank you for inviting me on your journey 🌸

  2. Dear Linda

    I can here as an inspiring blogger and I must say you didn’t disappoint me at all. You showed me how as a blogger you can take a simple scenario and explain it in such a way that your reader finds it interesting. Thank you very much.

    1. Dear Molebogeng,

      Only a pleasure. I think you'd make a great blogger. I even think you could pull a YouTube channel off. Just remember to be who you are and you'll attract your tribe of subscribers.

      You know where to find me should you need more tips.

    2. Dear Linda

      I will be sure to make a stop at your office when we open. Thank you very much 🙏🏾.

  3. Dude, talking themes at the Mathinya household ours was Luke 1:38. After school!!

    1. That is such a powerful one buddy.

      Comes just before one of my favourite pieces in the bible yazi.

  4. 'When you (2019) gave me the courage to get out of bed when I questioned my existence'. This was me, around May when all I wanted to do was sleep. Dear Linds, thank you for sharing this. I wasn't alone ❤

    1. You are never alone! A friend of my told me this morning that we are each other's healers but we are hardly aware of that because we are so busy bashing each other.

      2019 just taught me that those days will come and they will go. I embrace them and let go of them. I hope that you are feeling better now.

  5. And on behalf of me and my friend, thanks for writing letters to 2019

    Love Keo❤

    1. Thank you for your warm support. I appreciate that you read the letters and that they mean something to you. Much love ❤

  6. This is so comforting and to know that asihambu sodwa. Thank you for starting this.
