Monday, 24 December 2018

Letter eleven of eighteen

Good evening 2018,

You’ve made me laugh! 

It’s a Monday. Yaaaay…not. To keep my calm, I’m going to look back to the times when sent chuckles my way.

There was a time when I took laughing for granted. This year I got to realise that laughing is actually a need. It’s a basic need. It’s up there next to safety and security. When I laugh, I can’t control myself. My entire body gets captivated by the joy that I am just, as you say in popular culture, “unable to can”. Then there are times when I laugh so hard that I can’t even breathe so, I would need to step away from the source of my laughter just to catch my breath.

The source of my chuckles is often people I don’t even know. A certain man from Umlazi takes the cup for 2018. I was in the same taxi as this gentleman. He was seated at the back with a friend. They had been chatting since we all got into the taxi. Then, a certain house jam played on the radio. “Dliver, ke kopa volume. Ngiyacela. Please”, he said in his Zulu accent. At first, the driver didn’t hear his request but he repeated it, adding “ke December”. Then he began dancing and laughing along. I could tell he was quite an old school. So many things gave it away. When I turned back and I watched them get into action. Was he in it! Lol. I felt a bit embarrassed for staring so, I turned back quickly. He noticed this and screamed, “ubumandi uyabudidiyela mntanami. That is how we do it in Umlazi”. The direct translation to this is that one brews happiness for themselves. I laughed so hard at this! 

He was right. He was so right. Happiness is indeed a beverage you need to brew for yourself. Being happy isn’t anyone else’s responsibility. It’s a cup which we need to feel up ourselves. One we need to keep overflowing even before we can begin to pour into other cups. Which should already be overflowing or else they will drain us.

2018, you’ve helped me remember that I have full control over my cup of happiness. This means walking out of rooms which suffocated my freedom and standing up for myself during situations which threaten it. You’ve gifted me with such precious moments! I’ve gotten down to Mafikizolo’s love potion, or “portion” rather, I’ve watched the works of love at play, ululated…I’ve laughed at myself after awkward moments, I’ve laughed at hilarious jokes…I’ve laughed at you, 2018 when I got one up.

Someone once said that we all want rainbows but don’t want a little bit of rain. This year, you’ve forced me to dance in the rain. 

2018, cheers to all the rainbows you’ve given me! 

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