Saturday 25 January 2014

I've been here before

I've been here before,
i know all the corners of this room,
the furniture is still where it was,
nothing has changed at all.

I've been here before,
i know the neighbours very well,
very polite people they are, the Danile's,
they seem to be their old selves.

I've been here before
the stones on that street gave me these scars,
falling, getting up and falling again,
oh the memories are flooding back.

I've been here before,
i remember how unpredictable the weather can be,
sunny clear skies now to cloudy and stormy ones the next minutes,
it still rains a lot.

Heartacheville is just how i remember it.
Same old, Same old,
yes, i would know because
I have been here before!  

As published on social media network site, Facebook, on 17 September 2013.

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