Saturday, 30 December 2023

Letter 16 of 23: What should have been

 Good morning 2023, 

It actually is. Are we running behind with the letters? Yes. Are things hectic with a capital H. Yes. It’s still a good morning. We move…

You know how you make plans and then jiki jiki (suddenly) something happens and you need to change the plan? That has been the case with so many of these letters. There a certain things I thought I’d say on certain days. I just thought they’d be a better fit there. Then, life looked at me and giggled a bit. “This one never learns!” I bet she said. 😂

On the contrary. This one is still learning lol. This one is still taking baby steps while approaching this “what should have been” territory. She has not yet mastered it. She takes one step forward, three back and then another four forward. On some days she just sits still. Not in stillness or anything. She just lets her brain wander off like a bouncing ball from plan A to plan Z. 

My list of “what should have been” on your timeline is a combination of hilarious and frustrating. It’s like that sweet and sour salad. Like a buy 1 and get another for free special. 

There will always be things we feel like “should have been”. In some cases we’re lucky enough to see that they weren’t. That we dodged bullets. That the actual reality is better off. In other cases we’re just left with having to accept the card life deals us. We sit with the disappointment until we understand that it years for acceptance as much as we yearn for happiness and joy. In other cases we just get pissed and then shake it off. 

What I’m learning though is that we need to always move…

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