Saturday, 12 December 2020

Letter 1/20

 Dear 2020, 

I don't even know where or how to begin my conversation with you. I've been dreading it. I've been dreading it since this year took a very quick left and became the craziest I've ever seen. I bet 2019 laughed in our faces while we bid her good riddance on some "you ain't seen nothing yet" tip.

You know how they say that it takes a village to raise a child? I think discovering this is how and when I learnt the art of avoidance back in the day. I was a little bit mischievous. Yes. Only a tiny winsy little bit. Every time I got into trouble I'd almost wish that both my parents were present so that I could be punished once. Worst case scenario was getting up to mischief while I was out and about and the elder who punished me promised to tell my folks. I'd mull over it. Wonder which part of my body would be attacked or which privileges would be revoked. The village had its cons!My mother once went through a phase of asking us to pick our branches for punishment. Now that was tricky. I've always known how to dodge my father though - make sure you're closer to the nearest exit during the confrontation. Just in case. 

All your exists were closed 2020! Girl, you weren't even kind enough to make us pick our own branches. You just hit us with a snowball of curves and we just had to dodge, duck, take the jabs and...survive. You were also kind though. I'll give you that. You were kind enough to reconnect us with parts of ourselves we had lost touch with. You've shown us new depths of gratitude. You've, and continue to, make us aware that plans are subject to change and that guarantees are a luxury. You've taken. You've given revelations. You've brought change...

I never really have a formula for these conversations. The main goal is to reflect on the year that has been and the lessons imparted. It's hardly ever a walk in the park and I don't expect this series to be. All I can hope for is presence and sincerity from my side.

I'm looking forward to sharing the journey with the Life and Her Lessons (LAHL) family. This blog has been a safe space for conversations we hardly pause to have in our daily encounters. As the year draws to an end, I look forward to finding meaning from life and her lessons with you all...

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