Tuesday, 22 November 2022

In it for it

That's it folks. We've officially hit the "in it for it" mark. I am so tired fam. At this point, that word is spelt exh(lind)austed...yhooooo.

You know when you're in the adult hood you tend to reminisce a lot about yesterday's that you took for granted. Right now, extra rest is always on my weekly SWBL list. It's there with the 10 more minutes of sleep battle with the alarm and my non ending beef with Monday...

Starting from this weekend, every weekend of mine is spoken for until Christmas. Ku busy guys. I'm not complaining. Don't get me wrong. Most of the plans include fun and leisure. A portion of the plans include involuntary adulting though. Now that portion is what's getting to me. Like why can't December be what it used to be? Huh? Why can't I just...

If this current chapter of my life had a soundtrack, that infamous clip from Julius Malema would definitely be it...

I'm exh(lind)austed! I'm over 2022. I'm just in it for it shame. At this point, I'm on auto pilot and trusting God...