Wednesday, 22 June 2022


We're halfway through the year. Yay! Well, technically we're almost halfway there. What's a few days compared to what we've been through this year? Let's allow "almost" to cont. Just this once fam.

This entire month has been dedicated to recovering from catching hands in May. It's felt like I've been playing catch up on things I put on hold, off or ones that "I'll pretend that you don't even exist" pile. The thing about recovery is that it feels like you're caught between smelling the coffee and practicing self love. Reality is harsh on the one hand but, hope is so optimistic on the other.

2022 is a tricky player. One minute she's kind and full of adventure. Harsh the next. Before you know it you're back on that "adulting is a scam" rabbit hole. The one lesson that life keeps bringing my way is for me to seize the moments equally. Happy? Enjoy it. Having a bad day? Scream, yell or shout. Feeling sad? Locate those tears. I'm learning that there's nothing like being present - whether I like it or not.

This past weekend I was blessed with the gift of being present - in a way that I really liked. I got to watch the sun set while driving through mountains in the Kingdom of Lesotho. To say that the view was breathtaking would be an understatement. While caught up in the moment, I got to ask a friend what the Sesotho word was to describe the marvel. "Mafube", she said. After blurting out a comment I'm not brave enough to share again...I was stuck in thought.

In that moment it hit is a series of tangos with Mafube. The marvel of the sunset. The pain of the dark. The hope brought by sunrise that everything works out in the end...