Sunday, 22 May 2022

Catching hands

 Hello, my people!

Winter has officially graced us with her unwanted presence ne? Too early if you ask me. Too early and too cold.

You know those put a finger down challenges? Someone needs to do a "growing up in village" one. (If you know of one, plug me. Your girl is on TikTok and im new). I'd put all fingers down for the: Put a finger down if you were punished / reprimanded by a neighbour and never told your parents about it question. Jonga, that was a standard code. You did not want to catch hands for catching hands in the first place. It was as if parents were claiming territory. "Thou shall not embarrass my hands by allowing other hands to put you in line". Childhood in the lali (village) had complexities!

This month has been like that phenomenon. I've just been catching hands. It's been pouring hands. It's been a moria of hands. Hands in abundance. A trend of hands. Hands that came in various sizes. Hands fam, hands...

The thing about catching hands is that you also struggle to communicate it. It's not like you don't want to let others know you're struggling. It's not like you're reporting to parents that will likely serve more hands. Adulting has just taught you to embrace this season hands on. Yes, pun intended.

I hope that you're well. I hope that your portion of 2022 hands slap less than previous years. I hope your shoulders are carrying your head well. I hope that you find reasons to be grateful. I hope that you can reach a point when you give hands a high five back. 

In the meantime...hibiri! 

Sunday, 1 May 2022

May it work

Hello May,

It's worker's day in South Africa today. I thought I'd cash in one of my "being cheesy" tokens  for today's blog reflection. 

Do you remember a time when you couldn't wait to assist with house chores? When you insisted on washing those dishes? When you rushed to learn how to make steamed bread on your own? When the sight of visitors excited you because you could make tea and offer refreshments? What a distant memory. It's so far behind, I don't even remember that version of myself. Childhood just came with the luxury of ignorance and bliss. 

In adulthood, I've observed that the word "work" comes with so much weight for those searching and unable to find, for those suffocated where they are and for those seeking to spread out their wings. I hope that this month brings comfort to all.

Today, I find myself also reflecting on just how important working on ourselves is and how we often forget that working for our peace is the most an important task.

Dear reader,
May it (whatever it is) work for you,
May your prayers, hustle and ambitions work in your favour
May you see the fruits of your labour and your rest,
May you find courage to face those dull days,
May you always put in the work to ensure the self love cup overflows...