Thursday, 8 April 2021

I come back: Lent 2021 Reflection

 Hellooooo. I come baaaaaccck!

Me, I'm Linda. This blog post is about how Lent 2021 showed me "Oarabile!".

If you're from my corner of the world, I hope this introduction gives you the comfort of humour that it gave me. If you're not, and you have no idea what I'm one about...helloooo again 😂. Jokes aside, this line has been made legendary by a young vlogger whose earnest description of his brother broke the internet. Check it out on social media!

Lent 2021 was "lenty". It came with all the unpleasant things that come with the season. It was emotionally challenging. The 40 days felt like an eternity. It wasn't as hectic as Lent 2020 though. No. On a scale of 1 - Adele, I'd rate it a medium Burning in the deep though. As draining as it was, I believe that it has left me as a better version of myself. A better, tired and a bit more tired version. I can't exactly quantify this so, in #lifeandherlessons style, I'll just reflect on the lessons I've learnt during this time of fasting, prayer and alms giving.

I was fortunate enough to attend church on Ash Wednesday. Truly appreciate this opportunity. I've missed church. One of the things that Covid-19 has taken away from me is the way I like to worship. It hit me this past Lent just how much I miss fellowship. I'm looking forward to finding a parish nearby to call home.

This Lent, I dedicated my fasting to my healing journey. The goal was to abandon comfort zones and taking time out to confront truths I've been running away from. This was a tough one bazalwane. I saw "Oarabile"! Like I said, burning in the deep! What I can say is, I tried. I took baby steps and giant leaps. My system wasn't ready for certain steps so, I just drew circles in some instances. I guess I was reminded that it's a process. On a light note: my Instagram account is up and running. Yes, it's public. Told you I'm leaving comfort zones! I also activated a YouTube account for the blog. Yes, I've officially joined the "Welcome to my YouTube channel" gang! Can I get a "please like, comment, subscribe and share"?! 🤞😂✊

I've never been an advocate of publicising alms giving. I won't start now. My right hand has no business knowing what my left hand has done.
As much as I've missed our engagements, I still think that Lent isn't the best of times to blog. It's an emotional rollercoaster and some thoughts are just too much.

I took a journey on Bible App with my friends that was put together by Tear Fund. The plan, titled Lent 2021: A story to live by, was such a plug. What a life changing experience! My biggest take home lesson from the experience is that I'm enough. I've got so much to unlearn to remember this but, I'm enough. I'm enough and that's all that matters.

How was your Lent? I hope that you, your families and loved ones had a blessed one.

Like I said, I come back! To my supportive readers, I've missed you. To my new visitors, welcome. I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you...