Thursday, 14 October 2010


A time that I dread and hate
When we are going out to play
but fortunately I always manage to find a  spot
to fondle and twirl my plaited hair

A time that I greatly dislike
When I notice the difference immediately
between myself and my play-"mates"...
my in completes so vividly clear when one takes a look

A time that i'd rather not relive
when I can't see myself fit in,
into the colour perfect playground
then opt to sit back and look from the outside

A time when I am completely blind
to the do's and dont's of Disney land
when the process of initiation is mind boggling
but slowly i'm getting there
and dancing to the rhythm myself...
(or rather my imagination takes the journey)

A time when my body is moving to the beat
that drum in your bubbly area is giving me,
when I am moving easily until I think that I can improvise
but mind you this is when I make my mistake

A time when a split second reminds me
of my core reasons for staying away (Reality Strikes!!!!),
the feeling that occupies me then is...
is that of a traitor that was receiving punishment

A time when my ear hears chuckles of a multiple little voices,
mocking,laughing and asking
"What did you think you were doing?"...
my inner self lost deep in thought searching for the answer

A time that serves as a reply to my S.O.S
recess over and classes are resuming
I get up and dust the sand off my pink summer dress
deeply wishing that I could do the same with
my inner wars and conflicts

A time when I'm thinking that yet another defeat is
Just another day on the playground