We’ve all probably heard these words said before. Them or “mic check. One, two…one two”. Whatever the occasion, they spark anticipation. I’ve been in hiatus for so long that it’s only right I also echo these words as I resume. Testing, testing…
First things first, happy new year. Compliments of the new season. How are those New Year’s resolutions and themes coming along? Mine are dribbling me. Nothing new there. Lol
The thing about my hiatus is that it wasn’t planned. Nope. Things just went sideways early December last year. I was so exhausted at the end of the festive season that rest became real. I came to realise that my cup was barely overflowing and I needed to save some. Boy, was I right! It’s been a ride and I didn’t want to be here half hearted.
What’s interesting during my time away is how I’ve learnt how important it is that you show up for yourself first. Show up for you in order for you to be fully present with others. Show up for you and make others aware that you also run low. Show up for yourself in accepting that timelines are different and that’s okay. Show up for yourself first to such an extent that you don’t take showing up lightly…
So as the mid year fatigue creeps in, as year plans begin to take short lefts and as winter reminds us why we’ll always favour summer, I’d like to take to the stage to say: Testing, testing…are you showing up for yourself?