Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Letter 21/20

 Hello family, 

Yes, you read the heading correctly. No, you haven't missed out on much. What is this? A little something extra.

I heard a joke that closure isn't easy to come by. Apparently it can only be found in weaves. It took a while for me to get it. One of the downsides of keeping the same hairstyle for a decade is that you miss out on being current. Closure is very scarce! That girl is really hard to come by. Letter 21/20 is my attempt at "closure" after the #LettersTo2020 epistolary.

I'm surprised every time I visit the stats. The readership has really grown and that warms my heart. The circle is bigger. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you who have taken time out to join me on the reflective journey.

Thank you for adding colour to my healing journey. Thank you for the conversations after each letter. Thank you for picking my brain. 
Thank you for cracking me up. 
Thank you for sharing your personal stories with me. 
Thank you for reminding me, in more ways than one, that self kindness is a verb. 

As usual, I'm promising that I won't be a stranger on here. I'll try my best to keep writing and sharing the journey. I think I should have more conversations with friends. Maybe we'll do an Insta or Facebook live one of these days where we dig into the themes. What do you say? Let me know! 

Picking themes for this year wasn't easy. I've been back and forth. After much deliberation, my themes for 2021 are Will, "Stomach in..." and Psalm 143:8. I have a feeling that 2021 is going to be a bit trickier than 2020. The themes are a combination of "buckling up" and just letting things be.

The Will story is a very hilarious one. It is not the famous actor and also not what people leave behind when they die. My theme isn't even the expression of the inevitable. No. It's rather a combination of "laughing at will" and "where there is a will, there's a way". This is a dedication to my hopes and dreams...crossing fingers!

If you completed the "stomach in, chest out" phrase when you read it the first time then you're a G! In my hood that was one of the mantras that groomed little girls and young women. I guess this year I'd like to explore this double edged sword that raised us. Be kind 2021!

My scripture anchor is Psalm 143:8. A personal prayer that I have. Something that I do not always do. A guidance I need to sustain me.

I wish you all a blessed 2021. I wish you good health, courage to reach out for your dreams, strength to confront bad days and bravery to let go of everything that no longer serves your personal truths...

Happy New Year! 

#LifeAndHerLessons (LAHL) Fam